Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pushing Mongo Bad?

You might be asking yourself, what is "pushing mongo"? Most skaters start pushing their new skateboards with their back foot, but sometimes skaters find it easier to push with their front foot instead. This is called "pushing mongo". Pushing mongo is alright, but it can be a bad habit if you plan on learning technical flip tricks.

It's tough to say that pushing mongo is "wrong"; we don't believe that there is a right or wrong way to skate, and if it works for you, then you should enjoy it! Besides you can be a big name skater and push mongo, if it's working for you, then go for it! However, if you are unsure and looking for someones opinion, then we would say it's usually better to push with your back foot. If you are just learning to skate, this is a good time to re-learn to push with your back foot. Pushing "mongo" can get in your way, with you having to shuffle your feet around before doing technical tricks. If, however, you have been pushing mongo for a long time, it can be a little more tricky to decide if you should switch or not.

There's nothing wrong with pushing with your front foot. At all. The only problem is that most skaters push with their back foot, and a lot of people agree that this is the better way. But, if you've already pushed with your front foot for a long time, and it's not getting in your way, then why not stick with it? So the answer to the question, "is it OK to push mongo?"; sure go for it. You can push mongo all you want. But, my advice is to push with your back foot. I think you'll be more stable, and be more quickly set up to do tricks. But, if you already push with your front foot and it's working for you, then why change?

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